Monday, May 24, 2010

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Download Ebook: Java 2D Graphics

This book is intended for Java developers who want to produce stunning graphics. The latest version of the Java platform, version 2, includes a set of classes that make it easy to produce professional-looking graphics. These classes are known as Java 2D or the 2D Application Programming Interface (2D API).

I don't assume that you know anything about computer graphics, which is an extensive field. I'll explain the concepts of Java 2D's features as well as the classes and methods you need to take advantage of them.

To get the most out of this book, however, you should be comfortable programming in Java. You should also have at least a rudimentary knowledge of the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT).


Download Ebook: Java 2 Micro Edition


Download Ebook: Java 2 Game Programming (Thomas Petchel)


Download Ebook: A Java GUI Programmer's Primer


Monday, February 1, 2010

Download Ebook: Thinking in Java, 3rd Edition


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Download Ebook: Beginning C# Game Programming (Michael Dawson)

Are you ready to try your hànd at programming games using C#? Beginning C# Gàme Progràmming` is your ideàl introductory guide?designed to jumpstàrt your experience with C# ànd DirectX 9. Ìt includes the fundàmentàl topics you'll need to know ànd covers àdditionàl topics thàt you?ll find helpful àlong the wày. Begin with à comprehensive look àt progràmming with C#?from the bàsics of clàsses to àdvànced topics such às polymorphism ànd àbstràction. Then it's on to DirectX 9 às you leàrn how to creàte à bàsic fràmework ànd à Direct3D device. You'll àlso cover DirectSound ànd DirectÌnput. Put your newfound knowledge to the test às you program a complete game!


Download Ebook: Beginning C++ Game Programming (Michael Dawson)

Offering a thorough and modern introduction to C++, this book has everything you need in order to learn the fundamentals of C++ and game programming basics. Trust me!


Download Ebook: Ajax on Java (Steven Douglas Olson)

This practical guide shows you how to make your Java web applications more responsive and dynamic by incorporating new Ajaxian features, including suggestion lists, drag-and-drop, and more. Java developers can choose between many different ways of incorporating Ajax, from building JavaScript into your applications "by hand" to using the new Google Web Toolkit (GWT).

Ajax on Java starts with an introduction to Ajax, showing you how to write some basic applications that use client-side JavaScript to request information from a Java servlet and display it without doing a full page reload. It also presents several strategies for communicating between the client and the server, including sending raw data, and using XML or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) for sending more complex collections of data.

The book then branches out into different approaches for incorporating Ajax, which include:
  • The Prototype and Javascript libraries, the Dojo and Rico libraries, and DWR
  • Integrating Ajax into Java ServerPages (JSP) applications
  • Using Ajax with Struts
  • Integrating Ajax into Java ServerFaces (JSF) applications
  • Using Google's GWT, which offers a pure Java approach to developing web applications: your client-side components are written in Java, and compiled into HTML and JavaScript
Ajax gives web developers the ability to build applications that are more interactive, more dynamic, more exciting and enjoyable for your users. If you're a Java developer and haven't tried Ajax, but would like to get started, this book is essential. Your users will be grateful.


Download Ebook: Agile Java Development with Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse (Anil Hemrajani)

Agile Java™ Development With Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse is a book about robust technologies and effective methods which help bring simplicity back into the world of enterprise Java development. The three key technologies covered in this book, the Spring Framework, Hibernate and Eclipse, help reduce the complexity of enterprise Java development significantly. Furthermore, these technologies enable plain old Java objects (POJOs) to be deployed in light-weight containers versus heavy-handed remote objects that require heavy EJB containers. This book also extensively covers technologies such as Ant, JUnit, JSP tag libraries and touches upon other areas such as such logging, GUI based debugging, monitoring using JMX, job scheduling, emailing, and more. Also, Extreme Programming (XP), Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD) and refactoring are methods that can expedite the software development projects by reducing the amount of up front requirements and design; hence these methods are embedded throughout the book but with just enough details and examples to not sidetrack the focus of this book. In addition, this book contains well separated, subjective material (opinion sidebars), comic illustrations, tips and tricks, all of which provide real-world and practical perspectives on relevant topics. Last but not least, this book demonstrates the complete lifecycle by building and following a sample application, chapter-by-chapter, starting from conceptualization to production using the technology and processes covered in this book. In summary, by using the technologies and methods covered in this book, the reader will be able to effectively develop enterprise-class Java applications, in an agile manner!


Download Ebook: Silverlight 2 Visual Essentials (Matthew MacDonald)

Microsoft Silverlight is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in, similar to Flash, that delivers rich interactive applications for the Web. Silverlight offers a flexible programming model based largely on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF); it supports a number of different programming languages and techniques (making it cross-platform) and all major browsers (providing cross-browser support).

There is lots of interest in Microsoft’s Flash killer, and several conferences have seen heavy support for this exciting technology. Little published information on this technology is available on the market now, and so this introduction to the visual features and capabilities of Silverlight will hopefully get you going quickly.

This concise book is meant to give you a sense of what you, as a programmer, can expect from Silverlight in terms of what the user is going to see. The emphasis here is on understanding what Silverlight has to offer. While there is some code given, that is not the point of the book. The point is to be able to quickly understand what functionality is available to you and what options you might have without getting bogged down in much code.

The text assumes that you are a programmer and that you have an understanding of XAML. However, if you ignore the code that exists in the book, then any layperson, or even an administrator, can come to grips with the visual element of Silverlight.


Download Ebook: Digital Character Animation 3 (George Maestri)

Whether you're creating animation for television, advertising, games, or multimedia, [digital] Character Animation 3 can help you bring your imagination to life. In this updated classic, both newcomers to digital animation and old hands looking to hone existing skills will find essential techniques for creating lively, professional-quality animation that are applicable to any software application. Combining the fundamentals of modeling, rigging, and animation with advanced-level information on characterization, directing, and production management, author George Maestri has created an essential resource for digital animators. [digital] Character Animation 3 is packed with beautiful new artwork and Maestri's invaluable expert tips. Along with clear instruction on the theory and practice of foundation techniques such as rigging, walk-cycles, and lip-synchthe tutorials and exercises in this book let you practice what you've learned. Maestri also offers in-depth information on creating nuanced characters that feel "alive" and win audience empathy and attention. The book's final chapter guides you through the entire filmmaking process, from story development through voice casting and animation directing.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Download Ebook: Java Secrets (Elliotte Rusty Harold)

This book is different. It starts where the other books stop. This book assumes that you already know Java’s syntax and what an object is. This book assumes that you’re comfortable with the AWT. Instead of rehashing these topics, this book delves into the parts of Java that are not documented by Sun, that are not generally accessible to anyone with a Web browser, and that are not already in a hundred other books.

Download Ebook: Java Programming with Oracle JDBC (Donald Bales)

Learn how to leverage JDBC, a key Java technology used to access relational data from Java programs, in an Oracle environment. Author Donald Bales begins by teaching you the mysteries of establishing database connections, and how to issue SQL queries and get results back. You'll move on to advanced topics such as streaming large objects, calling PL/SQL procedures, and working with Oracle9i's object-oriented features, then finish with a look at transactions, concurrency management, and performance.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Download Ebook: Up to Speed with Swing, Second Edition (Steven Gutz)

This book consists of three parts. We begin with a bit of background on Java and Swing, then look at the basic user interface functionality. Finally, we examine some of the more advanced capabilities of Swing. I’ve also included a chapter to help you with optimization. The book is organized as follows:

Part I contains all of the information you require to get started with Swing, including a description of the software packages you need and how to set them up. We will also have a quick Java refresher course for those who need it. Then, we will examine the architecture of Swing and start to talk about some of the advanced capabilities it offers.

Part II contains details about the typical classes you will utilize in the process of creating your own Swing applications. We will look at each of the common components and how to best use them, as well as techniques that can extend and enhance them to better suit your needs.

In Part III, we look at more advanced topics. We will describe how to create components with a custom look-and-feel, and take a look at several ways to make your Java code run faster.

NOTE: Throughout this book, you will see sections containing partial information regarding the Swing component APIs, including brief descriptions of the contents of significant groups of methods. Although you can find complete information in the online documentation provided with the JFC and JDK toolkits, the partial reference allows you to quickly review the API for a given class without requiring access to a computer.


Download Ebook: Java™ Swing, 2nd Edition (Brian Cole, Robert Eckstein, James Elliott, Marc Loy, David Wood)

This second edition of Java Swing thoroughly covers all the features available in Java 2 SDK 1.3 and 1.4. More than simply a reference, this new edition takes a practical approach. It is a book by developers for developers, with hundreds of useful examples, from beginning level to advanced, covering every component available in Swing. Whether you're a seasoned Java developer or just trying to find out what Java can do, you'll find Java Swing, 2nd edition an indispensable guide.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Download Ebook: Java Persistence with Hibernate (Revised Edition of Hibernate in Action) by Christian Bauer & Gavin King)

When Hibernate in Action was published two years ago, it was immediately recognized not only as the definitive book on Hibernate, but also as the definitive work on object/relational mapping.

In the intervening time, the persistence landscape has changed with the release of the Java Persistence API, the new standard for object/relational mapping for Java EE and Java SE which was developed under the Java Community Process as part of the Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 Specification.

In developing the Java Persistence API, the EJB 3.0 Expert Group benefitted heavily from the experience of the O/R mapping frameworks already in use in the Java community. As one of the leaders among these, Hibernate has had a very significant influence on the technical direction of Java Persistence. This was due not only to the participation of Gavin King and other members of the Hibernate team in the EJB 3.0 standardization effort, but was also due in large part to the direct and pragmatic approach that Hibernate has taken towards O/R mapping and to the simplicity, clarity, and power of its APIs--and their resulting appeal to the Java community.

In addition to their contributions to Java Persistence, the Hibernate developers also have taken major steps forward for Hibernate with the Hibernate 3 release described in this book. Among these are support for operations over large datasets; additional and more sophisticated mapping options, especially for handling legacy databases; data filters; strategies for managing conversations; andintegration with Seam, the new framework for web application development with JSF and EJB 3.0.

Java Persistence with Hibernate is therefore considerably more than simply a second edition to Hibernate in Action. It provides a comprehensive overview of all the capabilities of the Java Persistence API in addition to those of Hibernate 3, as well as a detailed comparative analysis of the two. It describes how Hibernate has been used to implement the Java Persistence standard, and how to leverage the Hibernate extensions to Java Persistence.

More important, throughout the presentation of Hibernate and Java Persistence, Christian Bauer and Gavin King illustrate and explain the fundamental principles and decisions that need to be taken into account in both the design and use of an object/relational mapping framework. The insights they provide into the underlying issues of ORM give the reader a deep understanding into the effective application of ORM as an enterprise technology.

Java Persistence with Hibernate thus reaches out to a wide range of developers— from newcomers to object/relational mapping to experienced developers—seeking to learn more about cutting-edge technological innovations in the Java community that have occurred and are continuing to emerge as a result of this work.


Download Ebook: Learning Wireless Java (Qusay Mahmoud)

Learning Wireless Java is for Java developers who want to create applications for the Micro Edition audience using the Connected, Limited Device Configuration and the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP). These APIs specifically for devices such as mobile phones and pagers, allowing programmers to create MIDlet applications. This book offers a solid introduction to J2ME and MIDP, including the javax.microedition classes, as well as classes surrounding the features of the various platforms that the J2ME supports.


Download Ebook: CWTS Certified Wireless Technology Specialist Study Guide (Tom Carpenter)

The CWTSTM Certified Wireless Technology Specialist Study Guide is intended to help you understand the basics of wireless LAN technologies and to prepare you to pass the CWTS certification exam (PW0-070). The CWTS certification is an entry-level certification that prepares the candidate to implement, troubleshoot, and maintain small and medium-sized wireless networks. The certification covers the following major wireless technologies:

  • 802.11 wireless LANs
  • Bluetooth from the perspective of interoperability
  • VoWLAN from the perspective of roaming and handover
If you are new to wireless networking, or networking in general, this is the place to start. When you accomplish the level of expertise needed for the CWTS exam and certification, you will find it much easier to move on to more advanced certifications such as the CWNA (Certified Wireless Network Administrator), CWSP (Certified Wireless Security Professional), and CWNE (Certified Wireless Network Engineer). You will also find it much easier to understand the material and concepts included in vendor-specific wireless certifications.

If you have been working in the wireless LAN industry for awhile, but haven’t had the opportunity to gain a formal education in all things 802.11, this is the place for you to start as well. You will fill any gaps in your knowledge and gain a well-rounded perspective of wireless network installation and maintenance.