Part 1 provides an overview of EJB. Chapter 1 introduces EJB 3 and EJB types and makes the case for EJB 3. Chapter 2 explores core concepts such as metadata annotations, dependency injection, and provides code examples of each EJB type.
Part 2 covers the building of business logic with session beans and MDB. Chapter 3 dives into the details of session beans and outlines best practices. Chapter 4 gives a quick introduction to messaging, JMS, and covers MDB in detail. Chapter 5 covers advanced topics such as dependency injection, intercep-tors, and timers. Chapter 6 discusses transaction and security.
Part 3 provides in-depth coverage of the EJB 3 Java Persistence API. Chapter 7 introduces concepts on domain modeling and describes implementing domain models with JPA. Chapter 8 covers object-relational mapping with JPA. Chapter 9 provides in-depth coverage manipulating entities using EntityManager API. Chapter 10 covers querying entities using Query API and JPQL.
Part 4 provides guidelines for effectively using EJB 3 in your enterprise applications. Chapter 11 discusses packaging of EJBs and entities. It introduces all XML descriptors. Chapter 12 covers using EJB 3 design patterns and JPA from other application tiers. Chapter 13 turns to advanced topics such as entity locking and performance tuning of EJB 3 applications.
Part 5 looks at interoperability and integration issues with EJB 3 and other frameworks. Chapter 14 covers interoperability with EJB 2 and migration of EJB 2 applications to EJB 3. Chapter 15 introduces web services and discusses web services applications with EJB 3 and JAX WS 2.0. Chapter 16 uncovers how you can integrate EJB 3 with the Spring framework to build great enterprise applications.
The book has five appendixes. Appendix A is a tutorial on JNDI and RMI and appendix B provides a primer to databases. Appendixes C and D cover references to annotations and XML descriptors. We also provide instructions on how to install and configure Java EE RI (Glassfish) and how to deploy the code samples in appendix E.