The need for flexibility, small, wiry and code for platform-neutral leads the team studying Pascal implementation ever attempted. Niklaus Wirth, the creator of the Pascal language has designed a portable language that generates machine code for the intermediate hypothesis. This machine is often called virtual machine (virtual machine). This code can then be used on any machine that has the interpreter. Project Green uses virtual machines to address the major issues of neutral to target machines.
Because the people in the Green project-based C + + and Pascal was not the most syntax derived from C + +, and adopt object orientation and not a procedural. Language created originally named "Oak" by James Gosling who got inspiration from a tree located on the side of his office, but because the name itself is the name of Oak programming language that has been there before, and then replace it with JAVA SUN. JAVA name itself was inspired by the time they're enjoying a cup of coffee at a coffee shop who then inadvertently one of them mentioned the word connotes JAVA ore origin coffee. Finally they agreed to give the name of the programming language Java name.
The first product is project Green Star 7 (* 7), a remote control is very intelligent. Due to the market is still not interested in the intelligent consumer products is Green project must find other markets created by technology. At the same time, implementation of the WWW and the Internet is experiencing rapid development. On the other hand, members of the Green project also aware that the Java programming can be used on the Internet, thus leading to further implementation of the role of technology on the web.
Java has accommodated almost all the important features of programming languages that existed since the development of modern computing humans:
- From Simula, a language for the 65-year, the most affecting language Java and C + +. From this language adopted the basic formations of the object-oriented programming.
- From LISP - the language of 55 years. Adopted garbage collection facilities, as well as the ability to mimic generic list processing, although this facility rarely use it.
- From Algol - a language for the 60's, taken control structure has.
- From C + +, adopted syntax, some semantiks and exception handling Some of the language, strongly drawn type, and exception handling.
- From Objective C, taken interface facilities.
- From the Smalltalk language, taken single-root approach hiƩrarchie class, where the object is from the Eiffel language, assertion that the facility started to be applied in some JDK 1.4
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