Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Quiz of the day | OCPJP (30)


4. class WongJowo {
5. public static void main(String[] args) {
6. for(int __w = 0; __w < 5; __w++) ;
7. int #jw = 8;
8. long [] x [2];
9. Boolean []wj[];
10. enum Lanang { NGGANTENG, GAGAH, PINTER };
11. }
12. }

What is the result? (Choose all that apply.)

A. Compilation succeeds
B. Compilation fails with an error on line 6
C. Compilation fails with an error on line 7
D. Compilation fails with an error on line 8
E. Compilation fails with an error on line 9
F. Compilation fails with an error on line 10

DOWNLOAD the answer