Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Download Ebook: Beginning C# Game Programming (Michael Dawson)

Are you ready to try your hànd at programming games using C#? Beginning C# Gàme Progràmming` is your ideàl introductory guide?designed to jumpstàrt your experience with C# ànd DirectX 9. Ìt includes the fundàmentàl topics you'll need to know ànd covers àdditionàl topics thàt you?ll find helpful àlong the wày. Begin with à comprehensive look àt progràmming with C#?from the bàsics of clàsses to àdvànced topics such às polymorphism ànd àbstràction. Then it's on to DirectX 9 às you leàrn how to creàte à bàsic fràmework ànd à Direct3D device. You'll àlso cover DirectSound ànd DirectÌnput. Put your newfound knowledge to the test às you program a complete game!